The Best Small Dog Beds in 2021

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Small dogs deserve big sleep.

That means you’re going to want to spend some time making sure that you’ve selected the best small dog bed around rather than just throwing down a pillow and hoping for the best.

Finding the right bed is a little bit more complex than you’d think but it’s not a massive task for the most part.

Read on, we’ll show you how to find the right bed for your dog and then you can look through the ones that we tested out. There really is something out there for everyone.

The 8 Top-Rated Dog Beds for Small Dogs

Editor’s PicksBrandRating
Best Overall Small Dog BedPetFusion Ultimate Pet Bed4.9
Best Small Dog Bed for SprawlersMilliard Premium Orthopedic Memory Foam Dog Bed4.8
Most Stylish Small Dog BedBest Friends by Sheri Luxury Shag Fuax Fur Donut Cuddler4.8
Best Self-Warming Small Dog BedK&H Pet Products Self-Warming Lounge Sleeper Pet Bed4.6
Best High Walled Small Dog BedBest Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler4.6
Best Small Dog Bed for BurrowersBest Pet Supplies, Inc. Tent Bed for Pets4.5
Best Small Dog Bed for ChewersK&H Pet Products Original Pet Cot Elevated Pet Bed4.6
Best Budget Dog BedWWE Pinch Corner Lounger Dog Bed4.2

How Sleeping Dogs Lie

Small dogs, even more than larger breeds, have such a wide variety of sleeping styles that we’re unable to just point a finger and tell you “this one is the best.”

Instead, the best bed is going to be one which your dog actually uses on a regular basis. That means you’ll need to spend some time ensuring that your dog is able to be comfortable while they’re sleeping.

There are a few different “styles” of sleeper that you’ll need to be aware of. Hopefully you’ve been paying attention to your pup, because this is going to be the first step in making sure that you’ve got a happy, sleeping animal.

  • Burrowers-Dogs who like to burrow under the covers will be most at home with a cave-style bed. While you can jury rig things with a bit of creativity we feel that you should look for a specialized bed to save you both some effort.
  • Cuddlers-Does your pet always curl up in a corner? If so then you’re going to be looking for a dog bed which suits them by having bolsters. You can take things a step further by ensuring that your canine is in a corner as well.
  • Sprawling Out-Does your small dog sprawl out like he owns the place? If that’s then case then pad-style beds are the way to go. It’s a fairly rare trait in smaller dogs, but we’ve seen it happen over the years.
  • Pillowed-Some dogs love pillows, others never bother with them. Look for headrests if your dog is always trying to make sure their head is elevated and you’ll be in good hands.

Chances are your dog is going to fit into one of those categories.

Of course, some dogs just sleep in goofy positions on a constant basis, if that’s the case for the animal that you’ve welcomed into your home then we recommend going with a bolster bed as they seem to work the best for the majority of dogs.

What to Look for in Your Small Dog Bed

There’s a few different things to look for when you’re trying to find the right bed for your animal. Keep all of the following in mind so that you can make sure your dog has a great sleeping experience, no matter who they are.

The type of bed is the most important factor, but all of the following should be in order as well:

  • Sizing-The bed should be appropriately sized for your dog. Thankfully, for smaller dogs, this is rarely a concern. If your dog is on the bigger end of the small dog spectrum you may wish to ensure you have the right dimensions before making the purchase however.
  • Durability-The stitching, material of the cover, and basically everything should be of high-quality. While there’s not quite as much concern as with larger dogs for damage, your bed should still last for a few years at minimum.
  • Padding Materials-Orthopedic memory foam is absolutely the best way to go. On the other hand, it’s also expensive and small dogs aren’t as prone to joint issues as their larger cousins so you can usually get away with a high-grade polyfill.
  • Ease of Cleaning-The bed should be easy to clean. Whether you have to unzip it or the whole thing is able to be thrown in the washer without an issue… this is seriously important. Even little dogs can have some pretty impressive smells.
  • Skid-Proof Base-Smaller dog beds tend to be quite light. This is great for moving them around, and can be an absolute hazard if you accidentally step on one. A base with some kind of skid protection will help you make sure that you’re able to avoid any issues with you or your dog taking a tumble.
  • Aesthetic-Let’s face it… having a great looking dog bed is really important to some people. Whether it’s the right tone to fit in with the room or something which exemplifies your pups personality there are a lot of styles out there, especially for smaller dog beds.
  • Price-Thankfully, most small dog beds aren’t quite as expensive as those for their larger compatriots. We still made sure to find a couple of budget options for those who have a smaller pocketbook but even the best small dog bed isn’t going to require a second mortgage to purchase.

The Top Small Dog Beds

After going through a combination of reviews and intuition we decided to test out the following beds to make sure you got only the best. Let’s hop right in and we’ll help you figure out which is the best for your pup.

Best Overall Small Dog Bed

PetFusion Ultimate Pet Bed

This excellent little bolster bed was a standout right from the start. We already knew PetFusion from past experiences and their smaller bolster option is as great as the rest of their beds.

The small version has a 2 ½” memory foam pad enclosed within it, more than enough for our little dogs. Memory foam is particularly great for older dogs who might be having some issues with arthritis since it will keep pressure off of them.

The poly/twill blend of the cover makes it easy to spot clean, and you can unzip it and throw it in the wash if the dog smell gets too far in. It also has a waterproof inner liner to help protect from accidents and spills which inevitably occur.

Keep in mind that only the inner liner is waterproof, not the cover itself.

It’ll blend in seamlessly with it’s neutral slate tone and it even has a non-skid base. In many ways, this bed checks out on everything we believe that a dog bed needs.

Our Opinion:

For the best overall small dog bed, we recommend taking a close look at this one. There isn’t anything quite of this quality available and as long as your dog doesn’t have special sleeping needs it’s a great way to go.

Best Small Dog Bed for Sprawlers

Milliard Premium Orthopedic Memory Foam Dog Bed

Does your dog like to throw themselves out there? Just lay out as far as possible?

If so, then what you’re looking for is a high-quality pad style bed, and Milliard has it for you with this one. Of all of the small pad beds we considered it was by far the best.

The base is made of 4” memory foam, making it perfect for those small dogs who are getting on in their years. On top of that, the cover itself is waterproof which will keep it from accumulating stains at the rate you’ll find with some of the other beds we looked at.

It is a bit tall for truly miniature dogs but we didn’t run into any issues during our testing. Really, apart from that we couldn’t find any faults with it.

The only real concern, especially considering the great price, is that not all dogs are able to sleep without a pillow, some form of bolster, or another piece of cover for extra security.

Our Opinion:

If your little one is a confident sleeper, however, then you’ve likely found the perfect solution with this orthopedic pet bed from Milliard.

Most Stylish Small Dog Bed

Best Friends by Sheri Luxury Shag Fuax Fur Donut Cuddler

Not all dog beds provide extra warmth, so if you’re in a colder climate a lot of the high-end memory foam options might not be the best of the best. On the other hand, this furry donut of a bed provides a lot of security for your dog and can also keep them warm through the colder months.

It’s a bit round, but in practice it’s functionally the same as a bolster bed. On top of that it’s filled with a high-quality poly-blend that provides quite a bit of support for a small canine.

The fur is surprisingly warm. A bit too warm if you’re living in the desert without air conditioning but it’s practically perfect for those areas where it gets a little bit colder.

It’s also got a great aesthetic. While many of the high-quality beds we reviewed were meant more to blend it, this faux-fur option has some personality going for it.

Sadly, it’s not memory foam and it can be a bit too warm in some places.

Our Opinion:

If you’re worried about your small dog getting cold, then this is probably just the thing you’re looking for. Luxurious fake fur in a donut shape to give your small pup some rest, it’s hard to argue with that.

Best Self-Warming Small Dog Bed

K&H Pet Products Self-Warming Lounge Sleeper Pet Bed

For those who are in truly cold climates, you’ll find that a self-warming bed is one of the best options around. With a two-layer design to reflect the heat back at your dog this bed will help keep your pup nice and cozy without the need for electricity.

On top of that, you can avoid the problems which are inherent with faux fur and Sherpa designs, which tend to begin to shed after some time. They also tend to ball up and do other strange things when they’ve been washed.

The self-reflective material is pretty innovative, but the bed itself is also highly comfortable and just as awesome as everything else we’ve seen from this brand. K&H makes doggone good stuff and the quality definitely isn’t lacking here.

The bed is easy to clean: throw it in the washer. Done. On top of that it’s got a decent little set of bolster walls which can help your pet to feel more secure

Our Opinion:

If you’re looking for a self-warming bed to get your dog through the cold, then you could do a lot worse than to make the investment in this self-warming bed.

Best High Walled Small Dog Bed

Best Friends by Sheri OrthoComfort Deep Dish Cuddler

This bed was a take it or leave it with dogs. Those who loved it really loved it, others couldn’t seem to figure out how to handle the extremely high walls.

On top of being a deep-walled bed, this one is also self-warming. While the top is quite generous, we also found that some really small dogs didn’t like not being able to see out while they were cuddled up inside.

It’s warm, and the faux-Sherpa style outer cover is completely machine washable. In addition to that, it has a waterproof, non-skid bottom.

While it’s not quite as high-quality as our other favorite beds, it’s definitely better quality than most of those you’ll find in a big box store for a comparable price.

Our Opinion:

Warm, snuggly, and well-designed, the Deep Dish Cuddler is perfect for some dogs, although it had a bit higher of a rejection rate than the others we tried. If your dog’s a burrower, however, then this is the next best option to a cave or tent style bed.

Best Small Dog Bed for Burrowers

Best Pet Supplies, Inc. Tent Bed for Pets

Got a dachshund that loves to get under the covers? Try this tent-style bed. It’s easier to clean than the cave-style beds on the market and provides the same psychological security for your pup.

It’s not quite the most stylish bed, but if your pup falls in love with it then it doesn’t really matter. It’s also got a bit of a cute, kitschy appeal although it isn’t our first choice for a small dog bed to place in your own sleeping area.

It comes in a wide variety of different styles and colors as well. There’s some that are more cave like in design and others which you’ll find to be a straight pup tent.

The pad inside is quite comfortable, although compared to our top picks it’s really nothing to write home about. It’s also a bit more difficult to clean than many of the others on our list due to the design.

Our Opinion:

If that doesn’t turn you off, however, then you’ll be well served with one of these excellent tent or cave-styled beds. Dogs seem to love them, although we’d be careful if you have cats in the home since felines seem to be even more fond of this design.

Best Small Dog Bed for Chewers

K&H Pet Products Original Pet Cot Elevated Pet Bed

Have a terrier with a terrifying habit of tearing apart everything in sight? If so, then none of the other beds which are on this list are going to do.

Instead, try this cot-style bed which has a metal frame and a mesh bottom which your dog won’t quite be able to bite on without some serious dedication. We found that our reviewers with chewers and scratchers didn’t notice any damage to the bed even after a couple of weeks of dedicated attempts by the worst offenders.

On top of that it’s great for hot climates since the material which makes the bedding is extremely breathable and allows for air to pass under the cot.

Add in that it’s tough enough for outdoor use and you’ve got a clear winner in the toughness department. It’s a bit of a compromise for comfort, but for the most part we found it to still be a great option.

Our Opinion:

If you’re tired of buying new beds after watching your dog eat the last one… give this cot-style bed a shot. Just be aware you may need to sacrifice a blanket to the Chewing Gods if you live in a cold climate.

Best Budget Dog Bed

WWE Pinch Corner Lounger Dog Bed

If you’re looking for something which is low cost and will allow you to get a little bit of style going on then you’re in good hands with this bed. Just keep in mind that it’s not nearly as tough as the others which we have on our list, or as comfortable.

For the price you’re looking at a solid bed however. You can also get it in a couple of different versions, both of which are a little bit styled for male or female dogs. Feel like you’ve got a diva on your hands? We’ve got you covered.

This is a bolster style bed, which makes it suitable in a fashion for a wide variety of sleepers. It seemed to lose shape pretty quickly, but it was surprisingly resilient to digging, scratching, and general mastication at the end of the day.

You’re also not out a lot of money if it does get destroyed, so you may want to give it a shot if you’re not quite sure if a cot-style bed is suitable for your home.

Our Opinion:

While it can’t compare in quality to the others on our list, this little bed has proved surprisingly resilient to damage and is still plush enough to provide comfort for most small dogs.

Small Dog Beds FAQ

Is memory foam necessary?

Sometimes. For older dogs it can provide the support they need, but unlike large dogs it’s not really a necessity throughout their lifespan to avoid problems.

Can I get a larger bed for multiple small dogs?

You can, but be aware that high-end memory foam beds designed for larger dogs can actually provide discomfort to smaller dogs whose weight won’t quite be able to push down enough.

Can I test the size of a dog bed at home before I buy it?

Yes. Lay out masking tape on the floor in the approximate dimensions of the bed and convince your dog to lie down. This will easily let you know if they’re going to fit before you make the commitment.

If my small dog chews but a cot-style bed isn’t right for them, what can I do?

Unlike larger dogs, some smaller dogs just don’t have the “oomph” to tear up a good, soft bed. On the other hand, if you start to notice damage we found that wrapping the entire bed in a thick blanket will usually protect the expensive bedding from claws, paws, and teeth.

Is there any other way to discourage chewing?

One of our reviewers recommends using NaturVet Bitter Yuck! No Chew Spray for making sure that an animal doesn’t chew on their bedding. It doesn’t seem to work on all dogs, but it’s a good thing to try if you run into problems but need a soft bed.

What if my dog doesn’t like the bed?

Treats and praise work wonders for the most part. In other cases, a dog simply rejects the bed completely, which can be problematic. Check the return policy on the bed you purchase just in case, but honestly most dogs will prefer any bed over sleeping on the floor.

How do I wash my dog bed?

Always follow the manufacturer’s directions when you’re washing the bed. Try to avoid doing it overly often, as even the best bed is going to wear down more quickly when it’s repeatedly going through the wash.

Small Dogs, Small Beds, Big Sleep

If you’re not already convinced that you need a great dog bed for your small dog then we don’t know what to tell you.

Your dog is going to spend a large portion of it’s life sleeping no matter what breed. Why not make them as comfortable as possible?

Finding the best small dog bed is easy and it’s also a lot cheaper than if you were dealing with a massive mastiff. For once there’s no real need to go with the budget option unless things are really tight.

Order the one you think is right today.

Even small pups deserve big sleep.

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