Although this cue has no real obedience benefit, it is cute and fun for both dog and owner. In addition, every new cue your dog learns helps him/her to learn new cues quicker so why not teach your dog a simple and fun cue.
- Prepare in advance a clicker and some highly reinforcing treats.
- Have your dog sit and then take a treat and put it over his/her head. Gradually, move the treat to one side of the dog’s head. This would get the dog to move sideways and make him/her lift one paw – look at the paw and click and treat when it is raised from the ground.
- Repeat many times.
- Try to get the dog to move his/her leg higher and higher before getting the treat.
- Now, while your dog’s paw is in the air, grab it with your hand before clicking and treating.
- Repeat many times.
- When your dog is doing this well. Start holding the treat lower and lower until you just have to show it to the dog and the paw is lifted.
- Now, we are ready to add the cue ‘shake’ while the dog is lifting his/her paw up.
- Gradually, start saying the word ‘shake’ earlier and earlier until it is being said before the behavior occurs.